Friday, November 26, 2010

The McRib is Back! For Many of Us It Never Left

To most of you this is old news, but being the day after Thanksgiving it seemed like a perfect time to check in on how our old friend McRib is doing. I sent a text to my brother and cousin to let them know what I was up to.

I received the following response from my cousin: "Excellent hahaha. I am very seriously considering doing that, as well." Obviously, the enthusiastic tone in this young man's message shows he caught the fever as well.

My brother didn't appear to be too nostalgic about the return of this boneless phenom: "Good luck. Plan in the event of special effects." He's referring not to Close Encounters, but rather the type of effects that Pepto Bismol was invented to combat.

The basic premise of the sandwich is so absurd it could be the basis for a modern art masterpiece. Put the word 'rib' in the name, and make sure that that's the only thing the sandwich does NOT contain. Go a step further and form the pork as if it did have ribs. Marcel Duchamp would've been delirious with this concept...

Everything about the sandwich is good except the 'ribs'. The bun, sauce, onion and pickle are a pretty good combo. The ground pork patty could use a bit more snap-back resistance. In other words, it was a bit soft.

The McRib will be taken off the market on December 5th. Though the sandwich isn't bad, I'm not likely to have another one before then.

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